Friday, February 3, 2012

progymnasmata commonplace Feb. 3, 2012


We have laws in this country. We have laws in this world. We believe it is wrong to murder. We believe in a world where everyone is free. Because of these facts, let us consider the matter before us.


This country established certain rights that we hold virtually sacred in the first amendment: Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of assembly and petitioning. I must stress here these rights. Citizens have a right to free speech. They have a right to make their voices known. They have a right to practice their religion—no matter how strange it may seem.


However, when a man’s religious choices willingly impede the right of another to safely practice his religion and when freedom of speech threatens the safety of others, we must act. This man uses his right to willingly destroy what we hold to be the God-given rights of others. When a man takes it upon himself to destroy rights of others, it is our job to protect them.


One who blows himself up is one thing, but this man has masterminded the carrying out of many attacks—and stands without the intestinal fortitude to carry them out himself.


Some terrorists are victims, stolen and/or threatened, broken down to carry out their dastardly deeds. Not with this man. Men like him are genocidal, but it is not about extermination as much as it is sending a message of fear. Making victims’ lives a living death.


This man has a long and infamous history of terror. This was hardly his first act. He willing chose this life and has willingly continued in it.

(rejection of pity)

Take no pity. Pity can be a friend of justice when we see the victims—but it can also be the enemy of justice. Justice must come to this man. Think of the greater good that will come from the justice done to this man, which we are morally obligated by God and man to carry out.


It is our constitutional obligation to protect our citizens. Senseless acts of violence must be stopped and punished.


This man’s skewed sense of justice must be countered. We hold that our creator gave to every man the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Think of the victims’ families who will gain closure through justice done to this man. Think of the countless millions in our cities who can ride to work on public transit feeling safer. Think of a world that is one man closer to achieving a more lasting peace.


Years of preparation went into the acts of terror this man oversaw. Justice, however, can be swift. You have the ability to make this country safer today. Please make the right decision.

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