Thursday, May 29, 2008

I have a few questions...

Why did God make ticks?!?!

It is a scourge that has taken over the neighborhood! This once quiet, peaceful neighborhood, where one can go anywhere he wants in the woods and explore, is gone. It has been taken over the past two years by an evil brood of blood sucking creepy crawlies. I feel besieged. I had two crawling up my leg from just straying from the asphalt the other day.

I am well on my way to breaking the tick record I broke last year. I have already gotten 10 or so on me, and another 10 or so that I found crawling on me this year. So I have just one question.

Why did God make ticks? God made everything for His own good pleasure and to bring Him glory. What about ticks brings God glory? Secondly, did they always suck your blood? What did they eat before the Fall and the flood? Were they really big like like some think all the other animals were back then? The size of watermelons perhaps? These are the questions that haunt me.

If anybody can answer these questions, you might get paid. *not*


Andrew B. said...

Add on one more attached tick and one more creepy-crawling tick to the total.

Andrew B. said...

Do they make Frontline for humans?

Andrew B. said...

Whoops! There's another one!

I'm going to start keeping track on here.

Andrew B. said...

Three more creepy-crawlies!


Andrew B. said...

+1 crawly

Andrew B. said...

+2 crawlies


Andrew B. said...

+2 crawlies


Gross huh? Well...this is my place to rant...even though it's on the internet for everyone to see.

Hillary Hipps said...

I think that God made Ticks as an illustration of the worlds affect on us; Once it gets a hold on it sucks our very life from us; Christ. Also they are very hard to get rid of once you get them.

Ha I can't beleive I just thought that up! WOW!
I hate ticks, don't flush them, they can still live in the sewer, pinch then in pliers or roast them on your moms kitchen stove. It works...don't ask me how I know...

-Hillary G. From the Rebelution ( look at my blog..leave a comment...:-))

Stephanie said...

Well, I don't know about the stove, but the oven doesn't kill ticks. I know this because.....

I was trying to dry out some pinecones for a Thanksgiving arrangement a year or two ago, and when they started opening, TICKS came out-- not just a few. Apparently, ticks hibernate in pinecones or something. And they weren't dying in the heat. We started grabbing pinecones and throwing them outside, and trying to kill all the ticks.

And yeah, I was doing that before the turkey was cooked. Brilliant, huh? I was so paranoid that someone would get a tick in their mouth and I'd have to try and explain how that happened...