Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April 4 progymn

Thesis: Exercise is amazing. It feels terrible while you are getting started. You want to die or kill yourself. But once you get going, it is AWESOME. You feel so macho and so healthy and you feel like you are king of the world. Exercise is awesome. Exercise is great because it keeps you healthy. Without exercise, you are more likely to get a heart attack. Even if you have a high metabolism, exercise still makes your heart healthier. In addition, the more muscles you have, the more attractive you look (except for those kind of crazy steroid guys. *shudder*). Exercise is also great because it is fun. You have to spend enough time to get your adrenaline pumping, but once that starts, you can get that runner's high and feel really good about yourself. You also feel better days later because you have more energy. And lastly, people who don't exercise suck [I'm just making up stuff because I don't exercise]. If you don't exercise, then you are wishing sadness on your loved ones when you die a premature death. Your daughter will forever hate you because you did not live to walk her down the isle. Your wife will leave you before you die so she won't have to watch you waste away. If you don't exercise, you suck. In short, exercise, and you won't have to deal with all of that crap.

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